Slide presentation is important in order to explain something to someone. by using slide presentation, your explanation can be more easily, professionally, systematically and clearly. Here some suggestion for you to prepared slide presentation.

  1. Make it as simple as possible. You need to avoid any long sentences and make in term of point only.  Point mode
  2. Make it more graphical than text. Graphic is one of the easy way for people to understand something. Sometimes you just need to show a figure to make your audience understand what you want to say. collapse
  3. Make sure you know everything stated in your slide. In order to explain to your audience you need to know that thing  first. If you do not know, it will be make your audience not confident with you.              angry
  4.  Used motion in slide presentation. Motion in slide presentation also one of the good element in explanation. Beside, motion also one of the attractive element that make your audience stay with you in the presentation.                                                                                    motion
  5. Avoid any mistake. Wording and language in slide presentation is important in order to make audience confident with what you try to explain. Like this post, there is a lot of wording problem. When  you read, you can feel what am i saying.                                                wrong word
  6. Make it more systematically. For example you want explain about several car with its specification. Each of car you need to make it in same mode of explanation so that your audience easy and fast to get what you try to say.                                                                           systematic

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