WordPress is one of the platform to develop your website same as Blogspot. WordPress more advance and powerfull because it allow user to develop the website base on user need with more interactive way. You can see a lot of professional and institution also used this platfrom. Here same introduction and simple step for beginner.

[tabs vertical=”yes”][tab title=”Main Website”]Sample Website Page

Website[/tab] [tab title=”Step to login as admin”]1. Insert website admin address

address to login

2. Admin login should appeared as shown in figure

login appearance

3. Insert your Username and Password and click button Login. Then, the admin site area will be appeared as shown below

admin site area[/tab] [tab title=”Admin Site Appearance”]1) Post Option

Post Option

2) Media Option

Media Option

3) Pages Option

Pages option

4) Photoblogs Option

Photoblogs option

5) Appearance Option

Appearance option

6) Plugin option

plugins option

7) Users Option

Users option

8) Tools Option

tools option

9) Settings Option

settings option

10) Logout Option

Logout appearance

11) To see current site appearance

To view site appearance

[/tab][tab title=”Add Post”]1) Click button all post in Post Option

All Posts appearance

2) Click button “Add New” and new appearance will show

Add New Post Appearance

3) Add your text

1. Add you text

4) On your right you can see some option for your post

2. Option for post

5) Click button preview if you want to see what happen if you publish this post

3. Preview sample what will appear in our website

6) Add categories

4. add categories

7) Put your categories name

5. Put you categories name

8) After add new categories

6. After add new categories

9) Select which categories this post should appear

7. Select which categories this post need to be appear

10) Add tags for this post

8. Add tags for this post

11) Add several tags and separate it using coma

9. add several tags with coma

12) Appearance after click add

10. After click add

13) after click publish what will happen

11. after click publish what will appear

14) open new tab, easier to see you website

12. open new tab with your address to see what happen in your website now

See step by step videos…

[/tab] [tab title=”Add Pages”]1) Click all pages in Pages option

1. All Pages view

2) Add new pages

2. add new pages

3) Insert your text

3. Insert your text

4) Option for this pages

4. option for this pages

5) Parent for this pages

5. parent for this pages

6) after publish the website shows

6. after click button publish

See step by step videos….

[/tab][tab title=”Approve Comment”]1) Click comment button

1. click comment button

2) move your mouse at bottom comment

2. move your mouse at botton comment to see option of the comment

3) Sample to click approve

3. sample to click approve

4) after click approve

4. after click approve

5) What will shown in your website

5. this will shown in your website


See step by step videos…


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